What we offer our clients…
Natural Products
Our WildWash Standard
WildWash Shampoos are guaranteed to be completely natural and free from parabens, sulphates, phosphates, phthalates, petrochemicals, PEGs, animal fats and palm oils. All the ingredients in WildWash Products are human grade.
Just like human skin and hair, a dog’s skin and coat respond better when a natural product is used.
Natural products promote healthy, hydrated skin and coat, whereas chemicals containing shampoos can cause dry, itchy, scaly skin with poor hair quality and lack of moisture and shine.
(Please note: we may use medicated shampoos with certain coat conditions or extreme allergies).
The Premium Doglyness Difference
One thing all-natural and organic cosmetic products for dogs have in common: they make our dogs look gorgeous without causing damage. Products containing harsh chemicals? Not so much.
Doglyness products are certified organic and vegan under ECOGEA, an independent certification body made of experts from the industry and academia that follows strict organic guidelines and regulations around ingredients and the manufacturing process. What you put on your dog's skin soaks directly into his bloodstream - so why wouldn't you choose to use organic?
+$6.50 Small Dog
+$8.50 Medium Dog
+$12.00 Large
+20.00 Giant Dog
Our Services & Programs
Zoom Zoom Groom provides a variety of services and some are truly unique because of our relationship with the onsite grooming school Apex Academy of Professional Grooming & Animal Arts.
Check out what we have to offer and feel free to phone us with any questions.
Puppy Pack Special @19.99 until 16 weeks of age
Your puppy will be bathed, brushed out, pads trimmed, and nails and the sanitary area tidied.
We want your puppy to experience a positive groom as soon as possible after their vaccinations. The reason for this is threefold:
Your puppy experiences all the sensations and exposure to a new environment as part of its socialization.
Your puppy and groomer bond, and the puppy realizes it’s actually fun to get groomed.
You enjoy your clean, vibrant, healthy puppy!
Full Grooms/ Or Tidy’s
Pricing is dependent on breed, size, coat type, & condition of coat. Please phone for pricing or complete the Fetch A Quote form and we will respond ASAP.
We groom dogs of all sizes and provide services according to their coat type, and your styling preferences.
We offer Theraclean services for dogs with skin issues. The Thera-Clean® Microbubble System gently removes trapped dirt, bacteria, yeast — and even allergens — to reduce odour and itching and dramatically improve therapeutic results without soaps, chemicals or abrasives. For more information on the Thera-Clean click this link.
Pricing is dependent on breed and size. Please phone for a price or complete the Fetch A Quote form and we will respond ASAP.
Nail Trimming
Book in with our Canine Pet Stylists for simple nail trims or filed trims- the choice is yours.
Rescue Dog Program
Did you just rescue a dog? We love supporting our local dog rescues. If you bring your newly adopted dog into our salon within the first four weeks of adoption, your first groom (with students of Apex Academy ) is 100% FREE!
Royal Dog Program
This is truly the only program like it in all of Saskatchewan and we can offer the Royal Dog Program because of our amazing Apex students. On this program when you book your dog on an 8-12 week (groomer advised) reoccurring schedule, you qualify for a FREE student bath and nail trim at the mid-way point between your professional grooms- no contracts, and you can cancel if wanting. The Royal Dog Program is a win-win for all involved- especially your dog!
Learn more about the Royal Dog Program.
Service Dog Program
We love all the service dogs and commend them on their amazing work! Students at Apex Academy provide certified rescue or service dogs with FREE grooms. It’s our way of giving back to the community.
Optional Add-on Services
(Services added on to the regular price for the full groom)
Top Dog Package
Blueberry Facial Scrub
Nail filing with a Dremel makes the nails rounded and shorter than what can be accomplished with nail clippers
Paw Defence Pad Treatment: a paw rub made with vitamins & antioxidants soothes the paw pads for everyday weather, pavements, sand, snow, and ice
Ear Flush: recommended by veterinarians. A Veterinarian Grade wash is massaged inside the ear to really clean the ear canal. This is a great option for dogs with chronic ear infections
Dental treatment
Individual accumulated cost for the above add-ons = $25.00
@ $13.00
De-shedding Treatment
With the right products, tools and techniques we can significantly assist with shedding problems. Ask us about our De-shed Treatments.
Pricing is dependent on the dog’s size, breed and coat condition.
The Thera-Clean® Microbubble System gently removes trapped dirt, bacteria, yeast — and even allergens — to reduce odour and itching and dramatically improve therapeutic results without soaps, chemicals or abrasives. Please phone for pricing or complete the Fetch a Quote form and will respond ASAP.
Individual Add-Ons
Dental Package
Nail Filing
Paw Treatment
Upgraded Ear Flush
Premium Doglyness Difference Shampoo / Conditioner